
We want to be an authentic and welcoming church community, journeying to build accepting relationships with each other in dialogue and love. We believe it is in relationship that we discover more of who we really are.
We want the things we do and who we are to join in with God’s renewal and restoration of all things. Through prayer and action we seek justice and peace and the transformation of the world around us.
We want to be enriched by listening deeply to a variety of perspectives and encountering traditions other than our own. It is important to us that we are open, that no questions are off-limits, and that we hold our faith alongside doubt. Within this we find the tension between scripture, tradition, reason and experience, which are the marks of Anglican spirituality, to be creative and liberating.
We want to be creative and imaginative in the things we do. We seek to engage positively with the world, celebrate the sacred in all things, and be expressive and experimental in our worship.
We want to be a relaxed and warm community and when we rest and spend time together, we want to enjoy the moment, be childlike and gather with sincerity and playfulness.
We want to recognize that God dwells amongst us. Through prayer, intercession, stillness, contemplation, and a breadth of spiritual practice, we acknowledge God’s transforming presence.